President Ishikawa Prefectural Nursing University
President Ishikawa Prefectural Nursing University B.S., St. Luke’s College of Nursing, Tokyo, Japan M.D., Kanazawa University, Ishikawa, Japan Special Training, Graduate School of Nursing, University of Illinois, U.S.A.
After serving as Head of the School of Integrated Health Sciences, Head of Division of Health Sciences and Nursing, and Director of the Global Nursing Research Center, Graduate School of Medicine at The University of Tokyo, she has been in her current position since April, 2022.
Former President of Japan Academy of Nursing Science; Former President of Japanese Society of Pressure Ulcers; Former President of Japanese Society of Wound, Ostomy and Incontinence Management; Former Vice President, Japanese Nursing Association
Nursing and Safeguarding the Zest for Life
Nursing is our way of cultivating and safeguarding the zest for life in our patients. It’s how we can help boost the joy and energy in their life. Applying scientifically supported methods and practices is important to this nursing effort. We hope that the students who choose to study with us will grow to become people with a rich humanity, who respect life and value the quality of life that is unique to each individual, while also building a solid scientific foundation in nursing.
Ishikawa Prefectural Nursing University aims to nurture nurses, public health nurses, midwives, and nursing researchers who can contribute to improving the health and welfare of the people of Ishikawa prefecture. We cultivate our students’ global perspective that will lead to solutions of local issues that in turn will impact global issues. We expect our students to have a four-dimensional learning experience, moving them from the present to the future of health, medical care, and welfare, and from the local community to the world.
The world of science and technology is currently undergoing dramatic change. For example, the use of artificial intelligence and robotics is advancing in various fields. The fields of health, medicine, and welfare are no exception. However, it is precisely at times such as this that we must also understand that science is not a panacea. Our field of nursing, by nature, is such. As professionals we are well aware of the importance of treating patients one- by-one, as individuals, by honoring their ways of life as we strive to find solutions to problems. To this end, it is essential to understand what each patient values. By sharpening the sensitivity and creativity found in each of us, we can continue to take on the challenging issues related to people’s health and welfare.
In university education, we place more importance on acquiring the ability to explore what we do not yet know and in continuing to ask questions about issues for which there are no answers, rather than passing on knowledge and skills that we already know. Because, that is what drives us to create a brighter future. While in the “Kahoku” area, take advantage of this diverse environment to expand your intellectual capabilities. We, the faculty and staff, will do our best to support you in this endeavor.
Last but not least, as of April 1, 2022, the age of adulthood is now 18 under the Civil Code. Most of the new students, including sophomores, are subject to this law. In order for them to lead fulfilling lives as adults, our faculty members will provide them with the utmost support so that they will be able to become independent and self-reliant, and fulfill their responsibilities as members of society.
GreetingHiromi SANADA President Ishikawa Prefectural Nursing University Hiromi SANADA, RN, PhD, WOCN, FAAN President Ishikawa Prefectural Nursing UniversityB.S., St….
Messages from Alumni and Students【Introducing IPNU】 Satomi MINAMIDA,BS, Class of 20XX Ever since my high school days, I’ve found myself intrigued by international cooperation. While studyi…
Our PhilosophyNursing is a job that involves assisting people in various degrees of health, to help them live their lives to their fullest potential. For that reason, nurs…
Symbol【Representing Our Pride and Confidence as an Educational Institution Training the Next Generation of Nursing Leaders】 Overlapping CirclesIconography repres…
Overview【Undergraduate School】 FacultyFaculty of NursingStudent Capacity340 (Admission capacity : 80; new third-year transfer students : 10)DegreeBachelor of Scien…
HistoryBefore the University’s Opening(March 1992 to March 2000) March 2000 to March 2010 April 2010 to Today 【Before the University’s Opening】 March 1992 to Ma…
Campus GuideThe Blue Sea, Majestic Mountains, and Fresh Air Make This the Perfect Place to Cultivate your Sensibilities. A Spacious Campus with a View of the Sea and Mou…
The LibraryOur library is a two-story spacious area with nearly 60,000 books, many items of audio-visual educational software, subscribed science journals, an…
The Community Care CenterAs the general point of contact for creating a ‘University open to the community’, the Community Care Center provides a base for prefectural residents and nu…
The Career Development Support CenterThe Career Development Support Center was established in November 2013 as a hub to support and promote the career development of nursing professionals, with …
Industry-Academia-Government Joint Projects【Agreement Entered into with Saraya Co., Ltd. to Establish the Department of Bio-engineering Nursing as a Joint Research Course】 On January 10, 2023, Ishik…
Access【Wide Area Map】 【Vicinity Map of University】 【how to get to University】 By fixed-route bus from JR Takamatsu Station : Approx.5 minutes(Kango Daigakuma…
Declaration of Non-Smoking【IPNU Declaration of Non-Smoking】 On September 1, 2016, Ishikawa Prefectural Nursing University officially declared the entire university campus grounds to…
Our Educational Philosophy【Our Educational Philosophy】 We aim to train well-rounded nursing professionals and nursing instructors who can truly understand human lives and quality of…
Admission PolicyStudent selection examinations include the General Admission Examination (Early and Late Schedules), the Admission Examination via Recommendation, and the Ad…
Diploma PolicyWe award the degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing to those who have earned the credits required before graduation, who have a foundation in nursing, and …
CurriculumThe undergraduate program consists of two broad areas of subjects. The Liberal Arts courses introduce students to a broader and more profound understanding o…
Class Subjects by Year【Liberal Arts】 *Bold subject names indicate compulsory subjects, and underlined subject names indicate prerequisite subjects for Nursing Practicum subjects…
Nursing Practicum SubjectsAt IPNU, we place importance on education at actual nursing settings in the fields of public health, medical, and welfare, in which people of various health …
Graduation RequirementsTo graduate from IPNU, students must study for at least four years, and obtain 113 credits from compulsory subjects and at least 16 credits from elective sub…
Admission RequirementsRequirementsfor Acceptance andAdmission into SchoolStudents must have a high school diploma or equivalent, which must be officially recognized by Japan’s Min…
Credit Transfer System (Ishikawa City College)IPNU students are eligible to use a credit transfer system to pursue courses offered by Ishikawa City College, which is operated by University Consortium Ish…
Our Educational PhilosophyThe educational philosophy of this university is to train well-rounded nursing professionals and nursing instructors who can truly understand human lives and…
Admission Policy【Master’s Program】 We hold Student selection examinations. We seek a broad spectrum of talented, eager individuals with the following qualities: Broad acad…
Diploma Policy【Master’s Program】 We award the degree of Master of Science in Nursing to students who have obtained the required credits, who have a depth of interdiscipl…
CurriculumOur Master’s program includes lectures and practicums distributed between basic and specialized courses. In addition to these courses, the Master’s program o…
Completion Requirements【Master’s Program】 No. of Credits Required for Completion Two or more years studying in the Master’s Program at this Graduate School 14 or more credits in …
Admission RequirementsStudents must have a four-year undergraduate degree? or equivalent, which must be recognized by Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and T…
Certified Nurse Administrator Master’s Program【What Is a Certified Nurse Administrator?】 A Certified Nurse Administrator, or CNA, is a professional who serves the health/medicine/welfare sector through…
Chiang Mai University Training Program, ThailandFY2016 Program for Promoting Inter-University Collaborative EducationHuman Healthcare Personnel Training Project: Studying Local Healthcare Systems Abroad 【…
Summer 2021 Online Training with American Nurses【Summer 2021 Online Training with American Nurses】 Four students (two second-year and two fourth-year) participated in a six-day online training program wi…
Admission Information【Undergraduate】 No. to Be Admitted, Application Period, and Entrance Exam Dates No. to Be Admitted Faculty and Department Places Available G…
Student Life Support1. Student Support Offices 2. Carrying Your Student ID 3. Communications/Notices for Students (Noticeboards) 4. Summons from Outside the University & Rec…
Housing【Student Dormitories & Apartments】 IPNU does not have student dormitories.Students you wish to live in an apartment or other rented housing must make t…
Study Support【Study Advice】 IPNU features a homeroom teacher system, for individual advice about study and all aspects of student life. 【Guidance for All Year Levels &…
Health managementMental and physical health management is important for living a rich student life.If you have any concerns about your health, please seek advice from the nur…
Tuition Fees【Amount of tuition fees and due dates】 ClassificationPayment AmountPayment Due DateFirst Semester?267,900April 15 (May 30 for new students)Second Semester?…
Other FeesIn addition to tuition fees, other fees must be paid, including (1) actual costs for practicums, (2) teaching materials, (3) Support Group fees, (4) accident…
ScholarshipsEvery April, a Scholarship Information Session is held with information on scholarships. If you wish to apply for scholarships and/or student loans, please a…