Hiromi SANADA President Ishikawa Prefectural Nursing University Hiromi SANADA, RN, PhD, WOCN, FAAN President Ishikawa Prefectural Nursing UniversityB.S., St….

Messages from Alumni and Students
【Introducing IPNU】 Satomi MINAMIDA,BS, Class of 20XX Ever since my high school days, I’ve found myself intrigued by international cooperation. While studyi…

Our Philosophy
Nursing is a job that involves assisting people in various degrees of health, to help them live their lives to their fullest potential. For that reason, nurs…

【Representing Our Pride and Confidence as an Educational Institution Training the Next Generation of Nursing Leaders】 Overlapping CirclesIconography repres…

【Undergraduate School】 FacultyFaculty of NursingStudent Capacity340 (Admission capacity : 80; new third-year transfer students : 10)DegreeBachelor of Scien…

Before the University’s Opening(March 1992 to March 2000) March 2000 to March 2010 April 2010 to Today 【Before the University’s Opening】 March 1992 to Ma…

Campus Guide
The Blue Sea, Majestic Mountains, and Fresh Air Make This the Perfect Place to Cultivate your Sensibilities. A Spacious Campus with a View of the Sea and Mou…

The Library
Our library is a two-story spacious area with nearly 60,000 books, many items of audio-visual educational software, subscribed science journals, an…

The Community Care Center
As the general point of contact for creating a ‘University open to the community’, the Community Care Center provides a base for prefectural residents and nu…

The Career Development Support Center
The Career Development Support Center was established in November 2013 as a hub to support and promote the career development of nursing professionals, with …

Industry-Academia-Government Joint Projects
【Agreement Entered into with Saraya Co., Ltd. to Establish the Department of Bio-engineering Nursing as a Joint Research Course】 On January 10, 2023, Ishik…

【Wide Area Map】 【Vicinity Map of University】 【how to get to University】 By fixed-route bus from JR Takamatsu Station : Approx.5 minutes(Kango Daigakuma…

Declaration of Non-Smoking
【IPNU Declaration of Non-Smoking】 On September 1, 2016, Ishikawa Prefectural Nursing University officially declared the entire university campus grounds to…

Our Educational Philosophy
【Our Educational Philosophy】 We aim to train well-rounded nursing professionals and nursing instructors who can truly understand human lives and quality of…

Admission Policy
Student selection examinations include the General Admission Examination (Early and Late Schedules), the Admission Examination via Recommendation, and the Ad…

Diploma Policy
We award the degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing to those who have earned the credits required before graduation, who have a foundation in nursing, and …

The undergraduate program consists of two broad areas of subjects. The Liberal Arts courses introduce students to a broader and more profound understanding o…

Class Subjects by Year
【Liberal Arts】 *Bold subject names indicate compulsory subjects, and underlined subject names indicate prerequisite subjects for Nursing Practicum subjects…

Nursing Practicum Subjects
At IPNU, we place importance on education at actual nursing settings in the fields of public health, medical, and welfare, in which people of various health …

Graduation Requirements
To graduate from IPNU, students must study for at least four years, and obtain 113 credits from compulsory subjects and at least 16 credits from elective sub…

Degrees Awarded and Requirements for Completing the Programs
DegreeAwardedBachelor of Science in NursingQualificationAcquired afterGraduationAfter four years of study at the university, graduates are qualified to take …

Admission Requirements
Requirementsfor Acceptance andAdmission into SchoolStudents must have a high school diploma or equivalent, which must be officially recognized by Japan’s Min…

Credit Transfer System (Ishikawa City College)
IPNU students are eligible to use a credit transfer system to pursue courses offered by Ishikawa City College, which is operated by University Consortium Ish…

Our Educational Philosophy
The educational philosophy of this university is to train well-rounded nursing professionals and nursing instructors who can truly understand human lives and…

Admission Policy
【Master’s Program】 We hold Student selection examinations. We seek a broad spectrum of talented, eager individuals with the following qualities: Broad acad…

Diploma Policy
【Master’s Program】 We award the degree of Master of Science in Nursing to students who have obtained the required credits, who have a depth of interdiscipl…

Our Master’s program includes lectures and practicums distributed between basic and specialized courses. In addition to these courses, the Master’s program o…

Completion Requirements
【Master’s Program】 No. of Credits Required for Completion Two or more years studying in the Master’s Program at this Graduate School 14 or more credits in …

Degrees Awarded and Requirements for Completing the Programs
【Master’s Program】 Degree Awarded: Master of Nursing Science The degree of Master of Nursing Science is awarded to those who meet the following requirement…

Admission Requirements
Students must have a four-year undergraduate degree? or equivalent, which must be recognized by Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and T…

Certified Nurse Administrator Master’s Program
【What Is a Certified Nurse Administrator?】 A Certified Nurse Administrator, or CNA, is a professional who serves the health/medicine/welfare sector through…

Certified Nurse Specialist (CNS) Education Course ― Master’s Program
【Certified Nurse Specialist Education Course】 IPNU’s? Graduate School Master’s Program features courses focused? on the fields of Community/Mental Health/P…

Chiang Mai University Training Program, Thailand
FY2016 Program for Promoting Inter-University Collaborative EducationHuman Healthcare Personnel Training Project: Studying Local Healthcare Systems Abroad 【…

Exchange with Jilin University School of Nursing (Jilin Province, China)
On March 29, 2016, IPNU established a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Jilin University School of Nursing. University President ISHIGAKI gave a lec…

Exchange with Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine (Jiangsu Province)
On March 28, 2016, IPNU established a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine. As we push forward with training ind…

Summer 2021 Online Training with American Nurses
【Summer 2021 Online Training with American Nurses】 Four students (two second-year and two fourth-year) participated in a six-day online training program wi…

International Contribution Project (Receiving JICA Trainees)
At the Community Care Center, we receive JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) trainees for the purpose of making international contributions. Upon t…

Admission Information
【Undergraduate】 No. to Be Admitted, Application Period, and Entrance Exam Dates No. to Be Admitted Faculty and Department Places Available G…

Enrollment Fees, Testing Fees, Tuition Fees, and Scholarships
【Faculty】 ClassificationAmountRemarksAdmission testing fees?17,000Admission feesIshikawa Prefecture residents?282,000Applicants who have had an address wit…

Research Supervision Staff and Research Topics (Master’s Program)
【Health Nursing】 Nursing Design ?Prof. Kobayashi HiromitsuExperimental research on the evaluation of nursing skills, using measurements of physiological an…

Research Supervision Staff and Research Topics (Doctoral Program)
【Community Health Nursing Design】 ?Prof. Kobayashi HiromitsuErgonomics research on medical care environmentsResearch on physiological responses to psycholo…

Special Register Students — Research Students (Graduate School Subjects)
【Special Register Students】 At the IPNU Graduate School, we offer a system through which anyone is able to register to study individual subjects.Please con…

Student Life Support
1. Student Support Offices 2. Carrying Your Student ID 3. Communications/Notices for Students (Noticeboards) 4. Summons from Outside the University & Rec…

Campus Calendar
【FY2023】 April4 (Tue)University entrance ceremony3 (Mon) – 7 (Fri)Health check-ups and guidance10 (Mon)First semester classes begin1 (Sat) – 10 (Mon)Regist…

【Student Dormitories & Apartments】 IPNU does not have student dormitories.Students you wish to live in an apartment or other rented housing must make t…

Study Support
【Study Advice】 IPNU features a homeroom teacher system, for individual advice about study and all aspects of student life. 【Guidance for All Year Levels &…

Health management
Mental and physical health management is important for living a rich student life.If you have any concerns about your health, please seek advice from the nur…

Tuition Fees
【Amount of tuition fees and due dates】 ClassificationPayment AmountPayment Due DateFirst Semester?267,900April 15 (May 30 for new students)Second Semester?…

Other Fees
In addition to tuition fees, other fees must be paid, including (1) actual costs for practicums, (2) teaching materials, (3) Support Group fees, (4) accident…

Every April, a Scholarship Information Session is held with information on scholarships. If you wish to apply for scholarships and/or student loans, please a…